A “New” Definition of Success

My wife shared this wonderful affirmation from a card on her
desk with me this morning, “Success Is About the Joy I Feel”.

Reminded me of some reflections the past few days as we’ve
just moved into a wonderful new home –- some of our friends
and business partners have been calling it our “dream home”,
and it is indeed the next phase of manifesting a new chapter —
and space, both literally and figuratively –- in our lives.

But what I’ve noticed after moving into our new home, and with
this affirmation in particular giving me the words to express it
–- is that we carry our joy with us…and within us…

If we depend on a new home or some other “outer” thing or
circumstance to bring us joy, we may be setting ourselves up
for disappointment –- because when the newness wears off, we
may find ourselves even worse off than before, because what
we’ve been working toward doesn’t bring the lasting joy we
thought it would…

Conversely, if we realize we carry our joy within us –- and we
practice finding appreciation, joy, and wonder wherever we are –-
then we can move into new spaces and new situations and
fully enjoy them…while not depending on them for our joy.

So here’s to finding joy in your journey, and to creating more and
more joy around you because you realize you carry your joy within you.

And here’s to wonderful new “spaces” and new experiences for you
in the days ahead!

Dr. Ben

Rachelle's Desk
Rachelle's desk in our new home

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

4 thoughts on “A “New” Definition of Success”

  1. Beautiful new home, Ben.u00a0 Congratulations to you and Rachelle!u00a0 We do, indeed carry our joy with us, but the nature of our space and environment certainly can enhance our mood, as I’m sure this lovely peaceful view does.

  2. I love the Rachelle’s office is in a treehouse! What an amazing abundance of GREEN!u00a0 I’m sure that being immersed in nature in that way will bring many reflective moments for Rachelle as she sits at her desk.u00a0 nHearty congratulations on your new home and the joy that you all carried into it.

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